2012 Class Schedule

In my many years as an instructor, I have found that a good and friendly classroom atmosphere is conducive to the applicant learning the knowledge they require. I further believe professional instructors who concentrate on the law can only accomplish this.

Class begins promptly at 8:00am. The lecture and testing portion is held at 4463 Brushy Hill, San Antonio, 78217. We have scheduled breaks but feel free to stand up and stretch as needed.

Dress comfortably, and to ensure safety on the range, wear closed toe shoes and ball caps.  Tank tops, collarless shirts and shorts are not permitted. This is due to flying hot brass casings. Bring your own protective eye wear. Earmuffs will be furnished for hearing protection. The class and range time is a minimum of 10 hours, but this does not include travel time to the range.

Anyone having three or more people interested and would like to set up a class outside of the posted schedule below, please call or email.  We are flexible and can work with your schedule!


2012 Class Dates
June 16 July 21 August 18
September 8 October 20 November 17
  December 15  
If you are unable to attend one of the above sessions, please contact us to check on the availability to arrange another class time.


Technical Support

If you are having any problems with any portion of our website please contact our IT/Webmaster at the following email address: support@doitthewrightway.net